sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2007

árbol y raíces Kohl en Kalisz desde siempre

1 comentario:

Cohl dijo...

Resumée of Mrs.Madelaine Okladex:
About myself, I have been doing this volunteer work for JRI-PL for the last 13 years.
I have been asking for donations, but they dont go to myself. They will be used to obtain more indexing work for Kalisz.
Otherwise it is hard to do the fundraising from other researchers, and that is also my responsibility as the Archive Coordinator for the Kalisz Archives of JRI-PL. (I am also the Archive Coordinator for the Poznan Archives). So far I have also indexed about 20 towns from the microfilms.
When you found the results on the JRI-PL website, most of Kalisz was indexed by Sue Fifer in London.
But I did help with some of the years. It is a lot of tiring work and takes many months.
For Kalisz it took Sue 4 1/2 years to complete. I did all the indexing for many of the other towns in the Poznan district. And raised the funds necessary to get indexing done in Poland for the years that are not on the microfilms.
I understand that you are perhaps warry about spending money without knowing what you will be getting.
By the way these films cost $6 each to order and the copies cost 25 cents each, but I have including that amount in your requested donation.
It has gone out of my pocket and I wont bother to get it back from JRI-PL.
Anyhow if you are warry about sending more donations, you can ask the anyone from JRI-PL about me.
If you want to know more personal things about myself, I am a senior, born in Paris and came to the US at the age of 4. I lived in Brooklyn and New Jersey growing up.
I lived in Israel for 10 years from 1970-1980.
I was a computer programmer, went to Columbia University and studied sociology.